Auto Apply Quick Start

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  1. Download the AutoApply Plugin: Visit the Chrome Web Store to download the AutoApply plugin. Click "Add to Chrome" to install it. 

  2. Pin AutoApply to Your Toolbar: After installation, pin the AutoApply icon to your browser toolbar for easy access. 

  3. Confirm Plugin Installation: Once installed, you should see the AutoApply icon appear in the right side of your browser when visiting LinkedIn

  4. Confirm Resume is Uploaded: Ensure that you have a resume uploaded on LinkedIn. You can check and upload your resume in your LinkedIn job application settings

  5. Set Default Values: Open the AutoApply plugin popup to set your default values. This ensures smooth functioning of the plugin

  6. Ready to Apply!: You're now all set to start using AutoApply. Go to the Job Search Page, click the AutoApply button, and let the magic happen.

  7. LinkedIn Questions Form Control: As this runs, it will save all of the questions that get asked. It will fill in what it thinks is best but you can navigate to the Form Control and change the answers to match.
  8. To stop the program just refresh the page

    Now Go Land Your Dream Job!